About Course

Get the support and help you need to take action on your hearing loss. Sign up for hourly coaching with Cheryl!

With regular coaching, Cheryl will help you work through your hearing challenges, find solutions and achieve your goals and live the life you really want.

All coaching sessions are done virtually.  Each coaching session is one hour and can be set up to fit your schedule.

Important: Times are communicated in Eastern time zone. Prior to checkout, let me know you’re interested in coaching and your preferred date(s) and times. I’ll do my best to accommodate you and will make it easy for you to return to our secure checkout.
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What Will You Learn?

  • Evaluate your hearing loss challenges and how they are affecting your life.
  • Identify your goals.
  • Find the best solutions to fit your life and style.
  • Identify and take the action steps required to achieve your goals.

Hearing Challenge Coach

Treasure Coast resident since July 4, 1967 (Fort Pierce, FL), recently relocated to Lake City, Florida / Columbia County.


Hearing Challenge Coach
299 NW Acorn Dr
Lake City, FL 32055
(772) 468-0123 (Text only)

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